Exit Strategy

What is Your Exit Strategy for Your Things?

This is THE most important thing in keeping your home clutter-free and feeling good. Establishing a strategy for how things leave your home is even more important than monitoring how things come IN to your spaces.

The question, “What is your exit strategy for your things?” should be as an important as asking your fiancé if they want children— seriously. It’s not often addressed until it’s too late and everyone is stressed and overwhelmed.

Things come.
Things go.
If that flow is in balance, your space is manageable and clear.

It's Complicated

There are many factors that play into your ability to set and maintain your EXIT STRATEGY. Trauma, illness, perfectionism, feelings of shame, blame or guilt, neurodivergencies, executive functioning challenges, or big life transitions,  just to name a few.

Take a Few Minutes to Think About Yours

If you are struggling with clutter take a few minutes to get centered and think about your exit strategy. Can you identify bottlenecks or dams in your flow that are contributing to your clutter?

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