Whole Home Reset

Whole Home Reset

I can reorganize any area, but you may find that your organization system has broken down and could benefit from a whole-house reorganization. This is especially true if you’ve lived in your home for several years, or have gone through a life change, such as inheriting items from a relative, without finding a permanent place for them.

A Whole Home Reset is just as it sounds. We make our way through the whole house, organizing, purging and resetting the space. We create zones and get everything matched up and neat and tidy. While we do this, we identify problem areas and establish organization systems and support so maintaining the space is easier.

You’ll enjoy the life-changing serenity that comes from an environment that is uncluttered and welcoming.

In this case, buying a block of hours for a Whole Home Reset will save money compared to the hourly rate. It also gives you the advantage of having an organization strategy for your entire space, so that things are less likely to pile up. Organizing sessions are set up at your pace. Once everything is organized, it’s easy to stay organized, as everything in your house will have a place that is logical and accessible. You’ll enjoy the life-changing serenity that comes from an environment that is uncluttered and welcoming. There is serenity throughout every room of your home, not just one!

We Reset Your Space at Your Pace

The duration of each reset session is tailored to your needs and schedule. After you have graduated from the Whole Home Reset we will determine if a maintenance program would help keep things organized!


Because of the scope of the Whole Home Reset, I do offer discounted package rates for this service. The package would need to be paid in full at the start of the project. Package hours are non-refundable, but they never expire and can be applied to any project or maintenance program. 

Do You Have a Question About Keep Calm and Carrie Services?

Let’s talk about what we can do to de-clutter your space and simplify your life. Call (402) 830-9950.

Down-sizing / Right-sizing
Monthly Maintenance
One Room De-clutter Session
Whole Home Reset
Pre-event / Pre-surgery / Life Change Preparation
Pre-Move Organizing
Post-Move Organizing

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