Play the School Supplies Scavenger Hunt
Before you go out and buy a bunch of new stuff…play the School Supplies Scavenger Hunt! You already have lots on hand, I promise. Go through the drawers, under the bed, and the art supply closet. Did you buy some things on sale and then forget you had them? Did you empty out last years’ backpack yet? Look around and save some money and time in the store.
Create a School Year Time Capsule
And when you do go get the remaining things you need, grab a clear tote with a lid. Have your kiddo create their keepsake bin label of the “2021-2022” school year or do a fun one on your Cricut machine. This bin is where ALL the copious amounts of paper, notes, and amazing artwork will land this school year. It creates a clear zone so they know exactly where it goes after you’ve reviewed it. It creates a limited space so they develop an exit strategy for some of the papers that don’t make the cut.
It’s never too early to show the kiddos that some things stay and some things go. Then at the end of the school year you can do a fine sort and things can go into scrapbooks, or get digitized or whatever is your particular keepsake style. Or you just snap the lid in place and you have a contained time capsule of this school year.
A Letting Go Strategy for Kids' Masterpieces
If you are the type of parent that struggles with letting go of things, I advise keeping the most personalized things…original art creations, creative writings, journals. Some of the more fill-in-the-blanks kinds of school work and class notes etc aren’t as meaningful and keeping too much takes up valuable real estate and muddies up the keepsake waters.
I recently went through some of my boyfriend’s grade school creations with him that he hadn’t seen in years. It was fun and super sweet. My kiddos like to go back through theirs occasionally, too, and those unique creations are always the most fun to revisit.
Artwork by my son, John Riley, circa 2006

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