Let’s Talk Socks

Stop Buying Socks to Fix Your Sock Problem

*More is not more. Stop buying socks to try and fix your sock problem. It.👏Does.👏Not.👏Help.👏 Simplify your sock inventory for easier matching and maintaining.

Socks Are Disposable

*Socks are disposable. Throw them away with wild abandon. You will not find that match. You will not fix that hole. You do not know how to darn, and you are NOT going to follow that YouTube tutorial “one of these days.” Let go of any guilt of shame for releasing socks. And if throwing them away rubs you wrong you can donate…even unmatched, hole-y socks! This company is a fiber recycler. ♡  https://fillthebins.com

The Match Game - 🧦

So again…play a game of match to start. If you have many socks and/or are in charge of many humans who have many socks this could be a big process. Get a tote or basket set up in the laundry room to catch all socks at the end of each load. Send those tiny humans around to their rooms, and the car, and sports bags and playrooms to gather ALL THE SOCKS and wash them ALL.

Be patient. Wash them all and then match them all. Do it as a family if applicable. Do it while listening to music or watching television. Ask a friend to come have coffee and help you match socks.

Permission to Purge

Then, when the dust settles, get rid of those socks that have holes, that you truly never wear, that don’t have matches, that are itchy, that your ex mother-in-law gave you, that no longer serve you…whatever the reason. And then find their home. Basket? Dresser drawer? Tucked neatly into individual little organizers? No wrong answer here.

And a big basket in the laundry room that ALL the socks get dumped into after the dryer is a very viable and efficient method for busy families.

The biggest part sock maintenance is to get your sock inventory down to a manageable level and create a consistent system to keep them under control.

As always, I’d LOVE to come do a sock session (Yes, I offer sock sessions) with you and please feel free to message me with any questions or for suggestions on your personal sock struggle. ♡

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